Friday, November 12, 2010

Pentax K-X 16329 Digital SLR

So I'm getting my Christmas list together for the parentals and this is at the top of the list. Ive been wanting a new camera for the longest and i think i have found the perfect one, and its PINK!! Also its a great starter DSLR. It retails for around $600 but comes in a variety of colors to fit your personality. Hopefully this will be waiting for me under the tree Christmas morning!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Best weavologist out there!

My weave girl is the best in the business. She always hooks me up with something fabolous!!! Here is just some pics of what shes capable of. If interested I can hook you up!! lol


I am a avid makeup collector and love everything about. I enjoy the over the top look of it and the way I feel with it on. If i didnt have my favorite item lipgloss with a nude lipstick id be lost. On i have seen a perfect color I must pick up called MAC Lipglass C-THRU. Here is a link to the beauty blog I saw it on. Click here . It is a beutiful clear gloss with a hint of pink(my fav color) and shimmer. I will be picking this item up next week!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello Kitty

So i have always been fascinated with hello kitty and everything sanrio. I just love the whole anime look of it as you can tell from the background. I am thinking of changing my room to pink and hello kitty and reds. What do you think? Is this too girly for a 2ummmm year old? I also know it is the 50th anniversary of Sanrio and i WANT these headphones!! So christmas is coming so if you would like to purchase!?! Also the Hello Kitty Monopoly *thanks*

San Antonio Birthday Weekend Get away!

Ok so i was going to surprise my BF(boyfriend) with a weekend getaway to San Antonio for his birthday. If you know me you know its hard for me to keep a surprise. So i ended up telling him two weeks early. I am so excited to go and get away from what us mid 20 somethings call the "real world". We all secretly wish we were back in college where we wished we were in the "real world". Anyway. The trip is next weekend and one place i hop to visit is LU LU Bakery to taste the 3 pound cinnamon roll!! (mouth salivating) I am a huge foodie and absolutely love trying new things and restaurants. So that will be a must stop on this trip. I will probably take one bite of the massive roll because I am on a DIET! Well i will post trips of this adventure to see how it goes. Actually this is the first of many trips we have taken together. Soooo we shall see how this goes. Below is a pic of 3lb roll taken from website!